I support Individuals, teams and Companies

I am supporting individuals for:

✓ A career transition

✓ Opening up your company while being employed

✓ Get to know yourself better

✓ More fulfilment every single day

I am supporting companies for:

✓ A better team cohesion

✓ Engaged & Impactful Leaders

✓ Employees engagement

✓ Implementing HR Processes


I am here to guide you, support you in this exciting adventure.
I am a certified and passionate coach whose main goal is to make you reach the professional and/or personal success you want to reach!

To best coach you I am integrating in my coaching the following methods:

  • Co-Active model,

  • Positive Psychology,

  • Identifying & Exploring Emotions

  • Non Violent Communication

We will work together with a common goal:

A life coach helps you to live a meaningful life, aligned with your values, your need and as a sport coach who brings his/her athlete to reach and goes beyond his/her sports targets, my goal is to go there along with you.


And,…By the way…What does “Mayeutike”means? 

Mayeutike is the name I chose to define my Coaching Practice, being focused on well-being development, with the objectif to bring human being in its entirety to his full potential.

The story behind the name Mayeutike was led by serendipity:
Reading the excellent book of Marielle Barbe “Profession Slasheurs” while I was looking for a name for my practice, I discovered this intriguing concept of Mayeutike. As soon as I got the meaning, a magical sensation appeared, light turned on in my head: I had what we called the famous “ha ha” moment! An evidence! This concept initiated the beginning of the story of my project.
It became the brand name of my practice and since day 1, this name totally make sense. Mayeutike represents the person I am and symbolises my personality. It gathers all my values, my ideas and my vision as a professional of Coaching and People & Culture expert.

And…what is the initial definition of Mayeutike? 

In Philosophy, Socrates (Great Greek Thinker) originally invented the concept of “Maïeutique” from the word greek maieutikê. First, literally, the word is about the art of giving birth. Slowly, the meaning slides to the art of letting flourish thoughts, questioning a person in order to express his/her emotions, needs, making appear his/her hidden knowledge and revealing his/her hidden potential.

As a guideline for my work and life, I embody the concept and now, it guides my daily activities, my behaviour, and each of my coaching sessions.