My story


“Your Coach, You Will Choose…!”

Because when you are choosing your coach or a consultant, you want to be sure about the person you will collaborate with will bring you what you deeply look for.


“Life is a succession of first times, come along and let’s go!” - Marion

I’ve always been sensitive and attracted by human well-being & psychology related topics :)

I feel lucky to have been guided by my passion and made it my daily job by being graduated with a Master Degree in 2013 in Human Resources and a ICF Coaching Certification in 2018.

I started working in Human Resources in France in 2013 and I was eager to see more of the world, wanted to develop my knowledge and wanted to live abroad to discovering new cultures, new ways of working, other ways of thinking, and being able to access to the news from an other perspective than the French one.

I moved to Vancouver, BC (Canada) for 4 years from 2014 to 2018.

After 2 years in Vancouver, I felt the need to develop myself as a person and build something by myself. All this reflections guided me to coaching. I started a coaching certification in parallel of my job for 18 months (CTI-ICF link).

Back to Europe in 2018, I’ve settled down in the beautiful city of Geneva to practice coaching supporting individuals, teams and Managers on Wednesday/Thursday. As well, I am working as a Sr Human Resources Business Partner the rest of the week, a perfect balance for me :)

Each coaching session is an energy boost for me and I am really grateful to the clients I am supporting. Coaching them with a positive energy, a caring eye and a wise Mayeutike coaching approach is really fulfilling. And on top of that, we have some FUN during the coaching sessions ! :)

Coaching is a real passion and I am constantly exploring, learning, and getting trained on new practices & tools ☺️

  • I have passed a certification in positive psychology in Lyon (France) in 2020 with the purpose of better understanding the human behaviours (neurosciences) and being able to support my clients even better during our coaching sessions. Tool and methodology I have implemented in my coaching sessions.

  • I have attended a 6 weeks training in 2020 about positive intelligence - by Chirzad Chemine.

  • I am super happy and excited to have attended a one week practice in 2021, exploration and learning of Non Violent Communication with Thomas d’Ansembourg in Belgium 🇧🇪 it was an incredible experience!

  • I was happy to get into teaching for 3 years at the University for Leadership & Management classes to Master degrees students. I was sharing about Emotions, Non Violent Communication, Leadership, Collaboration and collective Intelligence.

What’s next?

  • I have started a Gestalt Therapist Training. The Gestalt is focusing on increasing a person's awareness, freedom, and self-direction by focusing on the present moment rather than past experiences.

  • It has been 5 years I’ve launched Mayeutike and I want now to rethink, clarify and adjust my offering to fit the needs and where I have the most impact.


My Values:

  • Continuous Improvement

  • People Oriented

  • Positivism

  • Loving

  • Driven

  • Simplicity

My Strengths

  • Activator

  • Positivity

  • Woo

  • Includer

  • Maximizer

*from Gallup Strengths Finder

My passions in life are:

  • Climbing, camping, hiking, skiing, kickboxing.

  • My Family & Friends

  • Personal Development (Neuroscience)

  • Coaching and Human Resources

  • People, just people, just like you!

  • Talking and learning from people

  • Obviously, Cheese&Wine!

  • Discovering new things:food, music, travels…