2 years Anniversary for Mayeutike :)

Wahhhhhouuuuuuu it's been 2 years today that I officially opened my coaching practice!

I feel so happy, fulfilled, excited to reflect back on the path I just went through, to everything I have learned and I have explored and then just the different emotions I felt:

  • joy,

  • doubts,

  • fear,

  • excitement,

  • questioning,

  • pride

and even more, an incredibly rich path over the last two years of official practice!

This path exists thanks to you, first of all those who relayed my Facebook post 2 years ago, where I explained what led me to coaching and that I was looking for clients to get started!

Thanks to:

  • 40 people who shared my post

  • 99 people who commented to encourage me

  • 197 people who liked it

Thanks to you, since that day, you really gave me the push I needed to start, and especially the push to give me confidence and allow me to move forward feeling peaceful, thank you 1000 times

And then to the people who trusted me, the ones I have coached and pfiouuuu this is incredible how I liked coaching on different topics:

  • preparation for retirement

  • the creation of a company

  • more self-confidence & self-love

  • a difficult life transition

  • desire to go further in its achievements

  • a desire to beat a world record

  • a professional transition

  • looking for more meaningful job

  • having more energy in life

  • feeling better at school

Ohlalala so enriching and interesting topics to coach !!

Today I also have the chance to announce that I have, for the moment, reached the maximum number of people that I can coach until the end of 2020!

If you are interested in coaching:

  • if you feel the need right now, I can with great pleasure recommend you some great coaches

  • if it is not "urgent", we can discuss now and prepare everything to start in January

October 7 will always be a special day filled with emotions :)

Marion Gourvest