Learning to welcome my emotions during a via ferrata!

A saturday, about 2 weeks ago, I went for a via ferrata, the one close to the Jallouvre, in the Alps!

It was rated pretty difficult, I was a bit anxious and since I like new experiences, I decided to not listen to my saboteurs (who were trying to tell me that I was not good enough, blah-blah-blah) and then I started!

It's going well, a few delicate parts here and there and overall I feel good and enjoy it until ... one moment when I start a challenging part, and PAF I panic, everything is irrational in my head, my breath start to be quicker, I'm scared scared scared in just a few seconds my emotions (obviously pretty irrational) are managing myself and I am not confortable so I PAUSE !!

I go back a bit, I rest, I breath, I start again and ... aaahhhh panic, once again!

Ok! my brain did not understand anything (that's what I tell myself at that moment) I go back and I PAUSE, longer than the first time, I motivate myself, I encourage myself, I am kind to myself (instead of getting angry at myself), I pause for at least 10 minutes, I look at the landscape, I welcome what is there (my emotions) and I transform it!

And this time it's the right one, I am succeeding this challenging part which was quite fast in the end!

After all? I was impressed how quickly my emotions took hold and made my thoughts and reactions irrational. Just by PAUSING, I welcomed what was there and I decided what I wanted to do with it, I made a choice, to succeed this challenging part of the via ferrata!

A great opportunity to practice emotions, a topic that fascinates me!

Marion Gourvest