How to get your energy?

Hi you :)

✨ What are the activities giving you energy?
✨ What are the activities draining your energy?

Some activities are draining our energy and some others are giving us energy & enthusiasm.
Being able to understand the evolution of your energy level and what influences you allow you to understand your energy potential and how to balance it!

😁🤩 What are the moments where you feel the most dynamic? 😁🤩

What gives me energy:
🔹 When I'm with people and have deep discussions #extrovert
🔹 When I am practicing sports intensely (running, boxing, climbing) #cardio
🔹When I listen or play music #music
🔹When I have challenging and ambitious projects (professional and personal) and I have visibility in the direction I want to take with my life!

What drain my energy:
🔹 If I have no project and no visibility on what is waiting for me
🔹 Toxic people
🔹 Conflicts
🔹 If I have no or little social interaction

😱😱 How do I know my energy is not balanced? 😱😱

I feel it, I'm tired for no reason (our fatigue comes from our unconscious at 80% and only at 20% from our conscious activities), I am irritated and I say STOP to make a point with myself, which lasts 5 minutes ^^ and that allows me to pause and ask myself the question about my condition!

I invite you to see that as a charger you charge and getting uncharged according to the activities you are doing! You want to keep it at its maximum with a tolerance though!

✨✨ What are the activities giving you energy and the ones draining your energy? ✨✨

Marion Gourvest