✨The last books I've read ✨

Hey Hey and Happy Wednesday, Wednesday is my coaching day, this is THE day where I am supporting my cochees #coachingday

I am happy to share with you the latest books I've been reading:

🔹Flow is a pretty chill magazine which is just pleasant to read. There are impactful individual stories, creative articles, some arts and personal development. Reading this magazine is a relaxing moment and not looking for any efficiency.

🔹Cerveau & Psycho ohala I really love this magazine and I am enjoying each single articles about the brain, the latest discoveries from the scientists, how the brain is working etc

🔹 "Being Genuine: Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real" from Thomas d'Ansembourg, a book for everyone about Non Violent Communication starting with yourself and then toward others

🔹 Thich Nhat Hanh, I've read 3 books from him and this is full of wisdom, simplicity, kindness towards oneself and the way we see the life

🔹 Playing Big from Tara Mohr, a book recommended by my Webinar Partner about inner critics, a really good book to express yourself as you really are.

Enjoy the reading

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Marion Gourvest